
End of year exams will cover topics taught during Years 9 and 10.

  • Biology - Double (higher and foundation) is covering

  • Ecology, Cells, Organisation and Disease

  • Triple is covering; Ecology, Cells, Organisation, Disease and Bioenergetics

  • Chemistry - Atomic Structure, Bonding, Quanttative, Chemical Changes, Atmosphere

  • Physics - Energy, Particles, Atomic Structure, Electricity (circuits and in the home)

Double Science

  • Biology - Ecology, Cells, Organisation and Disease. (Online textbook pages 4-111, 206-245)

  • Chemistry - Atomic Structure, Periodic Table, Structure and Bonding, Amount of Substance,

  • Chemical Changes, Electrolysis, and Chemistry of the Atmosphere. (Online textbook pages 4-95, 148-159)

  • Physics - Energy, Electricity, Particle Model of Matter and Atomic Structure. (Online textbook pages 4-83)

Triple Science

  • Biology - Ecology, Cells, Organisation, Disease and Bioenergetics. (Online textbook pages 4-133, 258-298 (but not the triple only content for Ecology which is in italics in the contents page))

  • Chemistry - Atomic Structure, Periodic Table, Structure and Bonding, Amount of Substance,

  • Chemical Changes, Electrolysis, and Chemistry of the Atmosphere. (Online textbook pages 4- 111, 194-205)

  • Physics - Energy, Electricity, Particle Model of Matter, Atomic Structure. (Online textbook pages 4-91)